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Email Obfuscator

Category: tools

Email Link Obfuscator creates a JavaScript code that hides your email address from annoying spambot. Once you create the code you can safely publish your email address on your ...

CSS Wave Generator

Category: tools

This is a CSS wave generator: just set the parameters below and get the CSS and HTML code! There is an explanation of the parameters at the bottom of the ...

What is the mining? Who is the miner?

Category: Blockchain

The mining is the process where the data is collected in a block and then the block is appended to the blockchain. This process is done by the miner. Before digging into the process of mining, ...

WP Social Importer

Category: tools

WP Social Importer is a wordpress plugin that imports news from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter into your website. This plugin transforms automatically the news from your social networks into wordpress ...

Create your Blockchain DApp with Ethereum and VueJS - Tutorial Part 1

Category: Blockchain

In this first part of the tutorial we are going to create the smart contract that handles the registration of users; then we are going to deploy the smart contract to the blockchain using ...

Laravel Metadata

Category: PHP

Laravel Metadata is a lightweight PHP package that helps you to handle extra data on your models without adding any new fields on your database table. GitHub Repository PHP Packagist ...