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Some random articles

Email Obfuscator

Category: tools

Email Link Obfuscator creates a JavaScript code that hides your email address from annoying spambot. Once you create the code you can safely publish your email address on your ...

Wordpress Empty Plugin

Category: resources

When I have to create a new Wordpress functionality I always use an empty plugin to start with. Here I'm going to explain how to develop your Wordpress plugin. If you are not interested in this ...

Matrix arithmetic PHP Class

Category: resources

During my studies in AI I wanted to solve the XOR problem; I wanted just to do a quick test so I started writing the code in PHP. Solving that problem I ended up to write a class that handles matrix ...

View of Valletta: a hand drawing

Category: Other stuff

Sometimes I spend my time drawing. This is the view of Valletta, the capital of Malta _

How a blockchain works... Let's make one!

Category: Blockchain

Have you ever wondered why the blocks on the blockchain are stored one after another? In this article we are going to talk about the basic blockchain concepts; these concepts will be fundamental ...

Blockchain For Not Technical People (public speech)

Category: Blockchain

A 4 minutes speech about blockchain I delivered during a course on public speaking in November 2019.